Buddha Amitayus initiation

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As requested by a student of Rinpoche.  Venerable Panchen Otrul Rinpoche will be kindly conferring the Buddha Amitayus initiation on the 10th November 2013.  This initiation is only for students of Rinpoche who have taken refuge with him.

Amitayu is  the Buddha of limitless life, the enjoyment body or celestial form of Amitabha, Buddha of boundless light, the guru of Avaloketeshvara.  It is considered as a very sacred initiation in Tibetan Buddhism.   He abides in the Blissful Pure Land. He holds in his hand a vase containing the nectar of immortality.

Those interested in taking the initiation, please contact the office for more information. Please arrive here at the centre at 10am on the 10th November 2013. Accommodation can be booked for those who need it.

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