Teaching 1: The Foundation of All Good Qualities

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We are honoured that this winter Venerable Panchen Ötrul Rinpoche will give teachings on Mind Training and Recognising the Power of our Minds.  These teachings have been passed down to Ven. Rinpoche through a pure clear lineage from Buddha Shakyamuni – teachings that Ven. Rinpoche has practised himself over a vast number of years.

We will learn in detail the great importance of a guide, for the mind functions as both the creator of happiness and unhappiness.  Our individual search for the true happiness of peace and contentment is not something new, for it is an integral part of our self.  Within each human being is an intangible drive to achieve this state, and can therefore leave us with a sense of loss, failure, and discontentment in our life.

Consequently, the main purpose of these teachings is to describe and reinforce the path, which when practised, will lead us towards the fulfilment of happiness, the inner harmony of peace, compassionate love, and a life of freedom from stress and anxiety.

The Foundation of All Good Qualities

These teachings are a basic teaching coming from the founder of the Gelugpa tradition, Lama Tsong Khapa, and explain in a clear concise outline the stages of the path to enlightenment.  We create many negative thoughts daily, often without awareness, from old habits.  Becoming familiar with these foundations creates a clear focus for the whole day, whatever your work or leisure time. Making them a daily practice can also make your life more meaningful, leading to mental and physical happiness and contentment.

Cost: Residential: €215, Non-Residential: €160, One-Day: €80

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