Joint meeting hosted by the Green Party Northern Ireland and the Northern Ireland Interfaith Forum
Title: Faith in the Environment – Interfaith Perspectives
Saturday 14th November 11am – 1pm on Zoom (details below)
Chair – Professor John Barry QUB
Keynote speaker – Alastair McIntosh – activist, writer and academic – will speak about the Climate Crisis, a faith-based understanding of the environment and our relationship with it.
Most recent publication: Riders on the Storm – The Climate Crisis and the Survival of Being (Birlinn 2020)
This presentation will be followed by responses from:
Gasser Abdelal – Belfast Islamic Centre
Vicky Heslop – Jampa Ling Buddhist Community
Raj Puri – Indian Community Centre
Boyd Sleator – NI Humanist Association
Rev Andrew Orr – Eco-congregations Ireland
Followed by time for questions and discussion.
Zoom Link:
Meeting ID: 976 4441 7385
Passcode: 825101