Some pictures from today’s events. Click on any image to enlarge.

Trip to Ondorshil in the Gobi Region of Mongolia


Ven. Rinpoche arrived at Undurchil in the Gobi region of Mongolia around 5pm. He was received by representatives of the local government and people, doctors of the village and the staff of MIM (Made in Mongolia) felt products. They waved the traditional scarves in their hands and made the traditional offerings of milk and sweet dairy products.


Ondorshil is 380 km south east of the capital in the Gobi Desert. Ven. Rinpoche has been going to Ondorshil for more than 19 years and he has been helping the poor and vulnerable members of the community for many years. He started many projects and initiatives here that bring benefit for the local community. More than 20 children benefit from the Hot Meal project. They also receive warm clothes, stationary and toiletries. A maternity wing was built in the hospital by Asral to help prevent pregnant women from getting infections. A language lab was set up in the local school and 130 children received English classes with help from Asral’s overseas volunteers.


A well and water purification system, the first of its kind in Mongolia, was installed and it has made a significant impact on the health of the community. The water purification system had some problems recently. The engineer from Ulanbaataar recently checked it thoroughly and had to change a few parts of the purification system. It cost €1,200 to get it fixed. Over 250 families (more than half of the population) in the village are getting benefit from the clean, filtered water.


Undurshil water purification received funding on three occasions from the local government. In 2014 a drain was placed under the ground to prevent water stagnation, which can be dangerous as it can create a lot of mud and frost on the streets. The cost was 2,300,000 tugriks, which is equivalent to €1,000. In 2015 the government gave 600,000 tugriks (around €280) towards the repair of the system. This year they gave 400,000 tugriks (approximately €180) as a contribution collected from the staff at the government office in Undurshil.


That evening Ven. Rinpoche visited some of the poor families, including families who are getting support from Asral charity. There are many children and families who are really in need of support. Ven. Rinpoche listened very carefully to their problems and told them that he will try his best to get support and sponsorship for them and the children.