Today the abbot of Denpa Dhargye Ling monastery came to see Ven. Rinpoche. He personally requested Ven. Rinpoche to give a long life initiation of White Tara and to bless the local people near the monastery. Ven. Rinpoche accepted his request to give the initiation in the coming week. Ven. Rinpoche also met with more children who are part of the Irish sponsorship programme and the hot meal project.
Ven. Rinpoche was invited for lunch by some of his students, along with Ven. Woeser Rinpoche and Ven. Thuksay Rinpoche. Afterwards he visited Ganden Monastery to see Chenrezig and HE the 9th Khalkha Jetsun Dhampa Rinpoche’s mummified body. Ven. Thuksay Rinpoche assisted him during his visit.