Some images from the days’ events: [click on any picture to enlarge]
Ven. Rinpoche spent the last couple days seeing many of his students, saying prayers and giving blessings.
Two German tourists came to see Asral’s centre and to find out about Asral’s work in Mongolia. Both of them were teachers. They were very happy to see Ven. Rinpoche and were interested in his work in Mongolia, and especially in the help received by single mothers and their children. Ven. Rinpoche explained to them about Asral Charity’s humanitarian work. They brought stationery for the children participating in Asral’s Hot Meal Project. They told Ven. Rinpoche that they will try to find support for Asral in Germany. Two Tibetan monks Drepung Monastery (Ven. Rinpoche’s monastery) in India came to see him also.