Winter programme 2016-2017 – Finding Peace and Happiness in Daily Life

1st Teaching – Saturday 8th & Sunday 9th October 2016

Awakening the Mind to an Understanding of its True Nature

Making a strong Aspiration is fundamental for cultivating the mind, in order to awaken the deep inner potential of compassion and love for all beings with equanimity.

We start by beginning to free our Minds of negative tendencies; also developing wholesome thoughts and experiences for guarding our Mind.

It is not a question of reward, punishment or guilt but of Mindful vigilance, awareness and restraint; removing the obstacles to our happiness and the happiness of others, and following the Dharma teachings.

We learn that right and wrong are not inherently existent, but dependently arisen.


2nd Teaching – Saturday 5th & Sunday 6th November 2016

Guiding the Mind through the Practice of Patience

It is with patience that the mind moves towards tranquillity and peace. For our mind is not solid or physical but is fluid, it exists as a process of change, like the external world around us.  Accepting this reality enables us to face our problems with confidence and firm energy. We even becomes stronger through adversity; realising that we are all equal in our search to find happiness and freedom from pain.  Recognising old habits enables us to transform any harmful dispositions towards happiness.

Because we live in this impermanent world of constant change, we can free our minds of fears carried from the past and remove any concerns of the future.


3rd Teaching – Saturday 14th & Sunday 15th January 2017 

Bringing Enthusiasm into Daily Life

Recognising the advantages of having this Human body and Mind, we realise that just as there is no movement in nature without wind, we can learn to train our Minds not just for a few days but during each moment. We can then face the challenges of daily life as opportunities for joyfulness, with the freedom to make changes. Recognising how everything is interconnected gives us the increased power and ability to make clearer choices.

The motivation and determination to release our attachments to old negative feelings and attitudes can bring us to a place of harmony and respectful appreciation of others without fear but with increasing equanimity.


4th Teaching – Saturday 11th & Sunday 12th February 2017

Developing a Flexible Mind through Meditation

Meditation is the tool that is used to quieten the mind’s activity, allowing the mind and body to relax. The Mind can then be used to focus without distraction on the vital points of contemplation.

Meditation is also used to become increasingly familiar with the process and contents of our Mind.

Our Mind has been formed during many lifetimes, and consequently relays much old conditioning to our body, senses, and speech.

It is this state of Mindful Awareness which can be used in daily life to transform the Mind bringing peace and happiness to yourself and others. 


5th Teaching – Saturday 11th & Sunday 12th March 2017

Recognition of  The Nature of Wisdom

 Buddhism teaches there are two Truths.

The Ultimate Truth and the Conceptual or Relative Truth.

The Mind that we experience is a Mind which obscures us from seeing or experiencing the Ultimate Truth of our Mind.

It is by learning how our Conceptual mind functions, through the illusion of our emotions and senses, that the Ultimate Compassion and Wisdom of the Bodhisattvas can be realised.

Spring Retreat – Friday 14th April 2017 – Monday 17th April 2017 [Easter Weekend]

This is a silent retreat. It is a led retreat using meditations on the teachings given by Ven. Rinpoche during the winter teachings. It is an opportunity to deepen our understanding of the teachings and integrate them into our daily lives.


Cost for Spring Retreat: (all Residential) €275 Please book early, and send a €50 deposit (non-refundable) when booking.  As there is usually a waiting list, please inform us in good time if for any reason you have to cancel, so that the place can be offered to another person