Ven. Rinpoche’s Schedule

Venerable Rinpoche returned safely from Mongolia after a successful visit on the 7th September. His arrival back in Jampa Ling was welcomed by many of his students and friends.

Later that week Ven. Rinpoche travelled to Brussels, Belgium to attend a two and a half day Mind and Life Dialogue with His Holiness the Dalai Lama. Following the dialogue, Ven. Rinpoche attended a public talk by His Holiness on Individual Engagement and Global Responsibility, also in Brussels.

In October Ven. Rinpoche travelled to Zurich, Switzerland, to attend a one day teaching by His Holiness the Dalai Lama. Ven. Rinpoche and the Tibetan Community of Switzerland and Liechtenstein offered a long life offering to His Holiness.

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September Events

In September we had three different weekend retreats/events: a work weekend with almost a full house, a Peaceful Mind – A Peaceful Life retreat, and a Yamantaka Retreat for students of Ven. Rinpoche with this initiation. All three weekends went off successfully. Tara House was also hired out to two different private meditation groups.

If you are interested in hiring out Tara House please contact our centre on:+353 (0)49 9523448 or email us on:

St Angela’s College

On Monday 3rd October we had a visit from a group of 21 students from St Angela’s College in Sligo. As part of their course the students are studying different world religions. After some light refreshments the students were given a talk on Buddhism and were guided in a short meditation in the Shrine Room.


Winter Teachings – Finding Peace and Happiness in Everyday Life

We are honoured and extremely grateful that Ven. Rinpoche has accepted our request to teach during 2016 and 2017. Our first teaching was on the Weekend of 8th and 9th October. Ven. Rinpoche taught on ‘Awakening the Mind to an Understanding of its True Nature’. The text used for the teachings is ‘The Bodhisattva’s Way of Life’ by Shantideva. We express our sincere thanks to Ven. Rinpoche for his teachings.

Yoga with Isabella

One of our volunteers, Isabella, is a yoga teacher in training and she offers a yoga class when available. Please contact us for further information. Donations are in aid of the House Fund. Please see our website for more information.

Community Gardening

Come and join us every Wednesday for our community gardening day from 10pm. Our main gardener, Aisling, will be there and she and the other volunteers would really love you to give them a hand.

Cooking Position

We are currently looking for a volunteer who can cook vegetarian buffet meals of around three or four dishes four days a week for around 10 to 15 people on a daily basis and who can cater for dietary requirements (such as gluten-free, dairy-free, sugar-free, etc.). Occasionally there may be large groups of up to 35 people. The days are flexible. All meals are self-service. Guests and volunteers serve themselves at mealtimes. There is no individual ordering of meals. You will be provided with accommodation and meals 7 days per week. We have daily meditation practices that you are more than welcome to attend. Our centre has a walled vegetable garden which provides a lot of vegetables, salads, fruits and herbs for the kitchen.

Please contact us on: +353 (0)49 9523448 or if you are interested.


In September our two WWOOFers were Jean Baptiste and Marion. Both WWOOFers did wonderful work in the garden under the supervision of our head gardener, Aisling. This month we’ve two WWOOFers from Germany – David and Maria. They have been a wonderful help to us so far.

Our intern from Oregon, Blair, finished her internship with us in September. She did wonderful work in the garden, along with Asling, our WWOOFers, volunteers and guests. We wish her all the best in her studies and the future!