One of our primary aims at Jampa Ling has been to help Tibetans in exile in whatever way possible. In 1999, one of Ven. Rinpoche’s students began work in the Norgyelling Tibetan Settlement in central India. There, through sponsorship, we support families who have children with education costs, and we provide life-saving medicine for elderly people, adults and children.
At Drepung Gomang Monastery in southern India we sponsor many individual monks and have financed the building of a new hostel and the renovation of an old one. Now all the monks have good accommodation, toilets and showers. The results are obvious in that the monks are now healthier, there is less disease and they are able to study better with less overcrowding and worry.
If you would like to help us with a monthly sponsorship please make a secure PayPal donation below or alternatively contact Jampa Ling’s office for further information.
In Ireland, donations of €21 per month (or €250+ in a year) are eligible for tax relief. Therefore, if you are paying tax at the higher rate, €250 is actually worth €423 to us – at no extra cost to you!