Dear Friend of Jampa Ling:
Here are list of events that are upcoming in May at Jampa Ling Tibetan Buddhist Retreat Centre in Bawnboy, Co. Cavan. If you would like more information or to make a booking please don’t hesitate to contact us by email at or by phone on +353 (0) 49 952 3448.
Hope you can join us!
- Sunday 3rd May
VESAK / SAGA DAWA Celebrating the Buddha – starts 11am
Saga Dawa is the celebration of the Buddha’s birthday, enlightenment and entering Nirvana. It is also known as Vesak in Sanskrit. We invite you to share this special day at Jampa Ling. Everyone is welcome. We celebrate with a Smoke Puja (traditional Tibetan purification ceremony) in the gardens and prayers in the Shrine Room with the gracious presence of Ven. Lama Panchen Ötrul Rinpoche.
Please bring vegetarian food to share – and your musical instruments if you would like to play! This is a FREE event.
- Saturday 9th May and Sunday 10th May
Come join us for a residential retreat weekend spent in silence. One can do either or both of the days. The weekend can be a time of spiritual renewal. People are free to do meditation from the Buddhist tradition or from their own traditions. There will be time for relaxing and absorbing the peace and quiet of the centre and an option for a discussion on the Saturday evening if people would like this.
This weekend is suitable for anyone, regardless of previous experience. You are also welcome to arrive on the Friday evening if you wish.
Cost: Residential €160. / Non Residential €90. / One day only €45
- Saturday 23rd May
Feeling anxious or stressed? Learn techniques on how to develop a calm and peaceful mind through meditation. The value of meditation in different areas of our lives is gaining recognition – in health, education and for general happiness and well-being. This introduction to meditation will give you a personal experience of a calmer and more peaceful mind.
10.30am – 4pm. Cost €45 including lunch
- Saturday 30th May and Sunday 31st May (June Bank Holiday weekend)
A weekend for students and friends of Jampa Ling to come and relax at the centre, renew friendships and enjoy the daily practices. Different activities will be arranged when people arrive.
Cost: €80 includes 2 nights accommodation with full board.