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ONE-DAY RETREAT – Meditation for Beginners

Jampa Ling Centre Owendoon House, Bawnboy, County Cavan, Ireland

Feeling anxious or stressed? Learn techniques on how to develop a calm and peaceful mind through meditation. The value of meditation in different areas of our lives is gaining recognition in health, [...]


Silent Meditation Weekend

Jampa Ling Centre Owendoon House, Bawnboy, County Cavan, Ireland

Join us for a meditation retreat weekend spent in silence and spiritual renewal.  Participants can do one or both days.  There will be time for relaxing and absorbing the peace and quiet [...]

ONE-DAY RETREAT – Mindfulness of the Body & Breathing

Jampa Ling Centre Owendoon House, Bawnboy, County Cavan, Ireland

Participants are introduced to mindful meditation through the techniques of breathing meditation, walking meditation and a body scan. Booking essential. Please contact the Centre using the form below. Accommodation options available if [...]


Summer Solstice

Jampa Ling Centre Owendoon House, Bawnboy, County Cavan, Ireland

Midsummer’s Day has been a traditional time for friends to gather together and mark this significant occasion in the yearly round. Summer solstice ceremonies have been carried out for many centuries in [...]


White Tara Retreat

Jampa Ling Centre Owendoon House, Bawnboy, County Cavan, Ireland

For students with this initiation. Please note, the first session of the retreat starts on Friday evening 14th June, at 7pm. We welcome retreatants for our evening soup at 6pm. Booking essential.  [...]


His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s 90th Birthday Celebrations

Jampa Ling Centre Owendoon House, Bawnboy, County Cavan, Ireland

Every year at Jampa Ling we celebrate the birthday of His Holiness the Dalai Lama, and this year on his 90th birthday we again celebrate with prayers for his long life and [...]


Universal Day of Prayer

Jampa Ling Centre Owendoon House, Bawnboy, County Cavan, Ireland

A day of prayer for world peace, initiated by His Holiness the Dalai Lama. Prayers will be said over the course of the day. Everybody is welcome to join the prayers at [...]


A Peaceful Mind – A Peaceful Life

Jampa Ling Centre Owendoon House, Bawnboy, County Cavan, Ireland

This is a weekend of guided meditations to help us develop awareness of what brings us peace of mind and harmony in our lives. We all wish for a calmer and more [...]

Long Life Prayers for the Venerable Lama Panchen Ötrul Rinpoche

Jampa Ling Centre Owendoon House, Bawnboy, County Cavan, Ireland

As Venerable Rinpoche’s students, we are greatly indebted to him for our progress in the Dharma. His presence, his knowledge and skill as a teacher are essential to us all as we [...]


Amitayus Retreat

Jampa Ling Centre Owendoon House, Bawnboy, County Cavan, Ireland

For students with this initiation. Please note, the first session of the retreat starts on Friday evening, 19th July, at 7pm. We welcome retreatants for our evening soup at 6pm. Booking essential.  [...]


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