Sunday 16th and Monday 17th August
Ven. Rinpoche gave a weekend Dharma teaching at Kunchav Jampa Ling centre on Lam Rim Bde Lam (The Easy Path – Stages of the Path to Enlightenment) by Panchen Lobsang Chokyi Gyaltsen. Many people came to attend the teaching.
The abbot of the Drepung Gomang Monastery in India was invited to the centre. He was welcomed by Ven. Rinpoche and his students to the centre followed by a Mandala offering. The abbot spoke of his sincere appreciation for the great charity work of Ven. Rinpoche as well as giving Dharma teachings for the Mongolian people. He said that he was very happy to visit the Asral centre and this is his second visit to the centre. He also gave some short advice for the Mongolian people to follow Ven. Rinpoche’s guidance and to pray for his long life so that many more people could get his help and blessings.